Anjali in the studio rehearsing ‘little grasses crack through stone’ - a film commissioned by Matthew Bourne’s New Adventures. Sadlers Wells Theatre, 2020


About anjali and her practise

Anjali has worked in the theatre industry as a performer, movement director, choreographer, director and mentor for many years. Her approach is to create a safe, warm, empathetic, professional, playful and efficient space. As someone who has worked in all genres of the arts and with people of all ages and abilities, her work is always inclusive and empowering for all. As well as contemporary, classical and commercially trained, Anjali also studied basic Kathak dance, is proficient in Bollywood styles, a plethora of different social dances from around the world and often uses breath work taken from Xi gong and yoga to warm up the cast in a show or participants in a class/workshop. This helps to unite the room and infuse confidence and trust.

Anjali holds Grade 8 piano with distinction so is very comfortable working with a score and preparing pieces for opera or musicals.

Anjali has always had a keen interest in the power of the chorus and ensemble so also enjoys working with large groups of dancers, actors and singers and how they relate to the audience and create the landscape. Her focus is on how to best communicate, build trust and enhance the work as a whole and prides herself on the ability to bring the best out of everyone.

During her Masters Degree, she studied and researched the different roles a choreographer must play in all genres of theatre and what actors, singers and dancers require in terms of communication, agency, creativity and performance. Anjali has always been inspired by the story in holistic terms and works with directors, designers and creative teams about the essence, pulse, and mood of each moment and how the movement element is not only boosting it but how it is congruent within the arc of the piece. This could be through ideas of staging, movement, character, intimacy and dance.

Although her movement style is malleable to each given project, Anjali draws on poetry and words, complex and beautiful gestural work with hands, arms and facial expression, abstract imagery, art and nature to sculpt bodies to feel, to project emotion and most importantly to tell the story. Her work is often described as beautiful, moving, energetic and seamless.